Monday, December 19, 2022
Fifa World Cup 2022
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Random Questions I Never Got The Answer To
Random Questions I Never Got The Answer To
Ok whenever you can't sleep you think of random things right? And is it just me or whenever you can't find the answer to something do get annoyed. So here are just useless stuff to make you stay awake for the entire night (hopefully).
1. A portkey
This one is related to Harry Potter. Ok you know when in the maze Harry and Cedric touch the cup at the same time but it's a portkey so they end up with Voldy. But if you touch a portkey like 5 hours before it's supposed to go you'll have to wait until it leaves. But then how did Barty jr know when Harry and Cedric touched the cup?
2. Glue
When you receive glue it's normally in a bottle right? Then why doesn't stick to the bottle? Because I know for a fact that bottle don't have superpowers. Or it's only sticky when it comes out of the bottle but that wouldn't make sense.
3. Water
Is water wet? I have no idea because water make things wet. So does any other liquid. Maybe it not wet it's watery (pronounced water - rey). Or water not supposed to be called water is called wet? That would be so weird though.
4. Silent Letters
Who created silent letters any most importantly why? It's useless why bother add extra letters to words when you're not even going to say them. It's like they're created to annoy us. I bet the perosn who created them regrets to.
5. Buying stuff
Ok say you work at walmart and you want to buysomethings from it. Can you? I bet people know this answer but I don't. Like can you buying whilst you working or only after. But if this is the case if you work from 8:30pm to 7:30pm the next day (probably won't happen) when would you buy.
That all I can thinkk of right now so Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Friday, May 27, 2022
Hp spells that should exist
Harry potter spells that should exist
There are a lot of hp spells like 50 or something. Unlike what the muggle prime minister said, they don’t solve every problem. I am going to only count the ones that were not in the books.
A writing spell
So a writing spell doesn’t exist? I just don’t get it like there is a water observing spell but there is not a spell that can write whatever you want? I mean Ron would like it and also Harry. But Hogwarts would ban it.
A spell to ban people
So if you don't ever want to see Umbridge again can’t you do a spell so she can’t come near you? I mean there are muggle repelling spells so why can’t there be spells to repel a wizard/witch from coming near you.
A spell to make people be quiet
I mean this one kind of exists but not really. For example if Umbridge is just going on and on about something and you want her to just be quiet can't there be a spell for that? You could use the imperius curse but that’s illegal. And in Fantastic beasts Leta uses the spell oscausi to wipe someone’s mouth away but that uses dark magic so I wouldn’t try to do that.
A spell to not feel pain
Say you get detention by umbridge. Wait, how many times did I use Umbridge as an example? I don’t know. Anyways, Harry had to do lines that used his blood instead of ink (that sounds weird). And if it hurt that much couldn’t there be a spell so you don’t feel pain? It’s so simple and I don’t know why it’s not a thing because I would definitely use it.
A sleeping spell
What if Snape gave you so much homework that you couldn’t sleep at night? Well, I’m sure that you’re supposed to be sleepy. Anyways, you toss and turn for hours because you can’t sleep. I mean there is a sleeping potion and in the chamber of secrets Hermione got hold of sleeping cakes. So why isn’t sleeping spells a thing? I just don’t get it.
That’s all for now byeeee!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2022
What my relationship would be with each HP character
What my relationship would be with each HP character
Ok so I am going to be doing what my relationship would be with each HP character. And I will not be adding every single character otherwise it will be 20000000 pages long.
Hermione Granger
Ok so since Hermione is my favourite character you would probably guess what she would be. She would be my best friend. I mean what else could she be? My private tutor? Well she could be because I’m not that smart to be honest.
Seamus Finnigan
This person isn’t really in the books as much as the other characters but he does appear in the order of the phoenix. And what would he be? Well the annoying person. The character is really annoying, not the actor. No offence though I am not that fond of you.
Luna Lovegood
Luna is one of DA BEST characters in the universe. First of all she is so calm, I mean who can be that calm? What would she be? Well she would be that ‘very calm friend’. She is the best character but you sometimes would want her to be less calm. Like if Voldy just came to Hogwarts and was in your class it wouldn’t be exactly good to be calm.
Minerva Mcgonagall
If you don’t know, transfiguration is my favourite subject. Because it’s soo hard it’s fun. Idk. Anyways, so what would she be? Well I would say my favourite teacher. And Mcgonagall is actually my favourite teacher because she’s not like Umbridge and she’s not too nice.
Dolores Umbridge
Oh yeah. This really really very very dumb, annoying person. I seriously hate her more than I hate Voldemort. I mean every person hates umbridge more than Voldemort. So what would she be? Well I would say ‘ the party pooper’. Her hobby is seeing people suffer.
Well that’s all bye!!!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Random Songs I made when I was Little
Random Songs I made when I was Little
Ok is it just me or does everybody make random songs because they are bored. I made MANY MANY MANY!! Ok I only made two very short songs and here they are.
1. Dingy Dongy
Ding Dong who's the clock? I'm the clock I'm the clock, she's not the clock she's not the clock. Ding Dong who's the clock? She's no the clock she's no the clock I'm the clock I'm the clock.
Yeah that was all the lyrics. It's REALLY WEIRD. I have been told once that normal people would say "Ding Dong the clock is chiming". But I for some reason like it. Because I like WEIRD SONGS! YeAh!
2. The nothing song
It's the nothing song, it's the nothing song. It's the nothing song, It's the nothing song. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING. It's the nothing songgggggggggg.
I love this one. It about NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I also had random fights about this for some reason.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Online School Experience Part two
Online School Experience Part two
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Online SCHOOL experience
Online School Experience
Fifa World Cup 2022
FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 So the World Cup has already finished and Agrentina won the cup! It's Messi's last world cup so that'...
Foreshodowing in Harry Potter Here are some examples of foreshadowing in Harry Potter. Some of these are from my brain and others are from ...
Harry Potter movie vs book 10 differences Thses are hp movie vs book differences. This is not ranked it is just a list of them with a litt...
Which Percy Jackson charcter are you? Ok that writing was bigg. Anyways today I thought I would do something different. So today I'm go...