Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Foreshadowing in Harry Potter

 Foreshodowing in Harry Potter

Here are some examples of foreshadowing in Harry Potter. Some of these are from my brain and others are from a youtube channel called Movieflame or screenrant. 

1. In the crystal ball Harry sees something
In the third book when Harry was taking his first divination exam Harry makes this really weird thing he said that he sees buckbeak flying away happily. Thought  Harry made this up he did actually predict something because later in the book buckbeak does escape (with the help of Hermione and Harry) with Siruis on his back and they both fly away.

2. Siruis Black
When you are asked "when was Siruis Black first mentioned?" your answer would probabaly be in the thrid book but actually he was first mentioned in the first book. When Dumbledore asks Hagrid where he got the flying moterbike from he answers "Borrowed it from Siruis Black sir". This foreshadows what a big role Siruis is going to play in the later books.

3. The room of requirment
In the fourth book before the ball (I think) Dumbledore says he went past a bathroom which he never found again. That room was infact the room of requirment which turned into a bathroom because he needed to go to the bathroom.

4. The vanishing cabinet
I the fifth book when Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Weasley twins were talking about losing house points idk which tiwn but one of them siad that they put montauge head first into a cabinet when he tried to take points from them. Then he disappeared. That cabinet was the vanishing cabinet which coneected to borgin and burkes.

5.  Aberforth Dumbledore
In the 5 book (again) when they were planning Dumbledore's armyin the Hogs head J.K. Rowling wrote 'A grumpy looking man was standing and looked fimmilary to Harry'. That grumpy man was Aberforth, Albus's younger brother. Her plays a big role in The 7th book.

That's all I could think of. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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