Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Random Questions I Never Got The Answer To

    Random Questions I Never Got The Answer To

Ok whenever you can't sleep you think of random things right? And is it just me or whenever you can't find the answer to something do get annoyed. So here are just useless stuff to make you stay awake for the entire night (hopefully).

1. A portkey

This one is related to Harry Potter. Ok you know when in the maze Harry and Cedric touch the cup at the same time but it's a portkey so they end up with Voldy. But if you touch a portkey like 5 hours before it's supposed to go you'll have to wait until it leaves. But then how did Barty jr know when Harry and Cedric touched the cup?

2. Glue

When you receive glue it's normally in a bottle right? Then why doesn't stick to the bottle? Because I know for a fact that bottle don't have superpowers. Or it's only sticky when it comes out of the bottle but that wouldn't make sense.

3. Water

Is water wet? I have no idea because water make things wet. So does any other liquid. Maybe it not wet it's watery (pronounced water - rey). Or water not supposed to be called water is called wet? That would be so weird though.

4. Silent Letters

Who created silent letters any most importantly why? It's useless why bother add extra letters to words when you're not even going to say them. It's like they're created to annoy us. I bet the perosn who created them regrets to. 

5. Buying stuff

Ok say you work at walmart and you want to buysomethings from it. Can you? I bet people know this answer but I don't. Like can you buying whilst you working or only after. But if this is the case if you work from 8:30pm to 7:30pm the next day (probably won't happen) when would you buy.

That all I can thinkk of right now so Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Fifa World Cup 2022

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