Monday, February 28, 2022
Best Harry Potter quotes of all time
Thursday, February 24, 2022
7 times the sorting hat was wrong
7 Times the sorting hat sorted someone wrong
The sorting hat is the smartest hat of all time. The sorting hat sorts people normally correctly into one of the four houses : Gryffindor, Hupplepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Believe it or not the sorting hat has sorted people wrong sometimes here is a list of 7 times the sorting hat sorted people wrong I will also include what houses they should have been in.
Peter Pettigrew Peter Pettigrew is a marauder and like every other marauder he was sorted into Gryffindor. Gryffindors are brave but Peter isn’t at all brave in fact he’s the opposite. Peter likes to be around people who are brave so they can protect him to be honest though I don’t think James, Sirius and Lupin even cared about him. I would definitely not put him in Hufflepuff because he is definitely not loyal. I would put him in Slytherin not because he was a bad person only because he is a bit determined.
Percy weasley
Percy is a weasley and you might think he should be in Gryffindor because of that but really I don’t think so. Ok maybe he was brave but other than that he doesn’t really have any Gryffindor traits. You know I don’t think he is that brave because he can’t even admit that the ministry is wrong and you-know-who (I wrote you-know-who because that’s what the weasleys call him) is back. I think he should also be in Slytherin because he is VERY ambitious.
3. Luna Lovegood
Luna is a really nice Ravenclaw but I don’t think she should be in ravenclaw. She doesn’t really have any Ravenclaw traits. She is braver than any other Ravenclaw (I think you can see what I’m going for right now) and that’s not even a Ravenclaw trait. Personally I think she should be a Gryffindor because he is very brave and loyal (though loyal people aren’t in Gryffindor).
4. Vincent Crabbe
Vincent Crabbe is one of Draco’s friends (why do I think it’s weird calling him by his first name). Crabbe is not really cunning or determined like most slytherins. Crabbe never really acts like a slytherin and I think he will never act like one. I think Crabbe is more of a Hupplepuff. I think you’re like why is he a Hupplepuf. First of all he is very loyal to his friends Draco and Goyle which is a Hufflepuff trait.
5. Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is another one of the Marauders. This one is more of a second house than he is only that house one. Anyways he is more shy and a bookworm than any other Marauder. You might see where I'm going with this but I have to say that his second house is definitely Ravenclaw. I’m saying that’s his second house because he is brave and that’s a Gryffindor trait (I did not rhyme on purpose).
6. Sirius Black
Sirius is another one of the Marauders. And this one is also a second house one. Anyways he is very brave and is very loyal as well. Notice I said loyal. When it comes to friends he is loyal but when it comes to family… I’m not sure if he’s loyal or not for obvious reasons. I’m saying second house because he is not scared to bully Snape and I think that he is the one that created the thing Snivilius Snape.
7. James Potter
James is another one of the Marauders. This one is a second house thing as well. Anyways, James is a Gryffindor and no one can deny that. But to be honest I think he is also a Slytherin like Harry. James is very cunning, a trait that Slytherins has but he is also very brave, a trait that Gryffindor has. And don’t get me wrong Slytherin is not a house for bad people nor I think it will ever be but James is very cunning so that’s why I think the way I do.
Thats all I could think of, hope you liked it byeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Monday, February 21, 2022
Harry Potter movie vs book 10 differences
Harry Potter movie vs book 10 differences
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Foreshadowing in Harry Potter
Foreshodowing in Harry Potter
Monday, February 14, 2022
What was actually the first line Dumbledore? My theory
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Harry Potter Facts
Ok here are some Harry Potter facts that you might not know. I probably know al lot of facts about Harry Potter but I will not put all of them on here other wise it will be 10000000000 pages long. And I have no idea what this number 10000000000 is.
1. J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter have the same birthday. Ok this one you night know but if you don't Harry's birthday is on july 31st and J.K. Rowling's birthday is also on july 31st.
2. Harry was named after his great great grandfather. If you go waaaay back in the Potter family tree you'll will see that Harry's great great grandfather name is Henry Potter which is why James and Lily named him Harry.
3. The Weasleys are one of the sacred 28. The sacred 28 is a list of wizarding families that have stayed pureblood of hundreds of years. You might not think that the weasleys are part of this list becuase many purebloods think that the weasleys are blood traiters because they like muggles and are fair to everyone they meet.
4. There is one weasley reltive that is a muggle. In the first book Ron says that Molly has a second cousin who is a muggle but they don't really talk about her much. And if the prewetts are all magical that means that Molly second cousin is a squib.
5. Fudge gave himself a order of merlin. This is the most fudge thing to do: give himself a order of merlin even though he is not ther slightest brave and he can not even say that Voldemort is back becuase he is scared. Wow amazing Fudge, wonderful. Everybody clap!
6. During the first wizarding war Mcgonagall did not join the order. Though she did not join the order she was a spy for them. She was a animagus (which took the form of a cat) which made it very easy to spy on Voldy and his followers.
7. The chocolate frog from the first movie was back in the last movie. This one is mroe of a theory but in the first movie remember when Harry lost his choclate frog? They say in the 19 years late scene it was back because it was climbing on the window.
8. Hermione was supposed to have a sister. Yeah J.K. Rowling was planning on Hermione having a sister? It's weird but when the fourth book came she totally forgot about it and said it was too late to make her have a sister.
9. The evil weasley? On the topic of families, J.K. Rowling also wanted to make the weasley have a cousin who was sorted into slytherin. Her name was supposed to be mafalda but Rowling siad the weasleys are too nice to have a evil sibling.
10. Order of the phoinx part 2??? The flim makers actually wanted to make every film be 2 parts but they said it would be too complicated if they did.
Hope you liked it, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Friday, February 11, 2022
Harry Potter's distrack on Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter.
Ok this is going to be weird but a wrote distrack on Harry as Draco. So Draco is sing a distrack on Harry. These are the lyrics:
You lay hopless in the back ,
and I'm ready to attack,
and you're ready to lose in the next quidditch match.
Every thinks that you're smart,
with your broomstick and you're scar,
even thought everyone that you're failing charms.
I know it's only like 2 sentences but that is all I could think of but could you blame me? Half of the song a thought of when I was sleeping. Anyways I don't know when I'll will make Harry do a distrack on Draco because that might take forever because I don't think Harry would just randomly be like "Yo Draco you're IDK?" Maybe these lyrics:
Listen up Draco you're going to backfired because just to tell youyour attempt to be famous failed.
I really don't like being famous so do you wanna swich places with me?
Just kidding I don't want a death eater for a father.
Yeah that is probably just the worst song in history.
Hope you liked it bye!
Sunday, February 6, 2022
J.K. Rowling Biography (well what I know about her)
J.K. Rowling
Who is J.K. Rowling
Joanne (Jo) Kathleen Rowling is a a bestselling author from Yate, United Kingdom. She is the author of the popular book series Harry Potter.She was born on 31 of July 1965.Her middle name Kathleen is actually her grandmother's name
Family Life
Joanne's mother is called Anne and her father's name was Peter. She had one younger sister whose name was Dianne. Joanne's parents wanted her to be a boy so when she turned out to be a girl Jo's parents were very disappointed. When she turned out to be a girl her parents treated her like a boy and her sister like a normal girl. Joanne often played witches and wizards with her neighbor. Joanne liked to and loved the book called the little white horse because it had a lot of details. This inspaired her to write her own book seires about a rabbit called rabbit but Joanne said it was quite dull.When she graduated school she married a man called Jorge Arantes and had a daughter named Jessica. Later Joanne went on to marry another guy named Neil Murray and have 2 other kids Mackenzie and David
Her Book Series Harry Potter
Joanne first had the idea for Harry potter when she was on a 4 hour train. When she got home she immediately wrote all her ideas on a piece of paper. When she started writing Harry Potter she first wrote the 19 years later scene just to tell her she will get to book 7 some day. A lot of publishing companies didn't want to publish Joanne's books but Bloomsbury publishing wanted to . After the 1 book was published 12 companies wanted to turn the book into a movie but Joanne chose Warner Brothers which made all of the Harry Potter movies.Her books were really popular and the first book sold 68,000 copies in the first day. She also wrote some other books about the Harry Potter series even though she does not plan on doing anymore Harry Potter books.
Life Accomplishments
J.K. Rowling was very proud of her bestselling book series Harry Potter. She also got many awards for her writing like the national book awards, British book awards,Hugo awards and many more.
at Difference Did J.K Rowling make
Joanne's books encouraged a lot of kids to read more. Half of the readers of her books say that they read more because of how good her books were. Kids naturally don't like reading because they think it's boring but when they read Joanne's books they notice that reading isn't boring. Reading can be very fun if you just try to find what type of books you like to read
Age- 56
Zodiac sign-Leo
Hope you liked it bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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